Monday, June 25, 2012


The Goal Setting

we started off the lecture with the emphasis on the goal setting procedure that is to be efficiently and effectively followed by each of the employee in any organization. For an effective manager these conceptual managerial that includes goal setting at the numero uno place is of paramount importance. As and when managing of people are involved this becomes a daunting task.

Broadly managerial skills are divided in three categories

1. Conceptual Skills.
2. Human Relations Skills
3. Technical Skills.
The degree of all three is different for managerial level, like for example in TATA Motors an automotive giant, the requirement of skills and hence the evolution of them by training the managers are different. A divisional head needs to exude a greater mix of human relation and technical while a line of business head(LOB) like passenger car unit should profess more of conceptual skills and human skills.

A perfect example of goal setting process is the annual performance management system for appraisal of employees wherein at the start of the year each of the employees is expected to pen down the major performance areas (MPA) of their line of work against each of which there is an expected midyear and final percentage that is to be achieved. These MPA’s are the goals that employee needs to accomplish. There comes the process of goal setting into motion, the characteristics of such goals can be summarized in the following acronym.


We learned the exact meanings of each of them through the means of a “Tower Challenge”. It is a game in which a tower is to be erected with the help of identical cubes with three participants namely

1.       The Working Executive.
2.       The Middle Manager.
3.       The Top Management

So here were the rules of the game, the participant(Working Executive) was to be blindfolded and has to use the wrong hand while the middle manager shall narrated and help him build the tower and top management shall advise as and when required.


What I learned from this exercise was that the goal setting process was done in this fashion.
Vision:- To be the builder of largest tower.
Mission: - To make a tower at least 17 stories high.
Specific: - We have to create the largest tower.
Measurable:- It should be highest, last year it was 17 blocks
Attainable:- The target was taken 18, keeping in view of last year its attainable.
Relevant:- Its relevant to the vision and mission statements.
Time Bound:- It has to be completed within the lecture timings.
Using the last year data of 17 towers it was decided to make at least 18 blocks high tower. At start the goal looked not achievable as it was relevant in the below responses we got from fellow students.
Three students tower height set was = 20, 17, 15 cubes
Last year Tower height was = 17 cubes
Team goal set for tower height was = 17
Team Tower Performance was = 17 cubes

     THE TEAM 

Few of the important take away from the exercise was understated

1. Ergonomics: - it is important that the working executive has his workplace designed in accordance to ergonomics as it was seen fatigue set in during the tower building.
2. Top Management Involvement:- It needs to be done at regular interval for necessary boost of confidence and to keep in track of goals.
3. KISS Principle:- Keep It simple Silly , all the processes and activities should be simple as seen by the instruction set given for building the tower.
4. HR Issues:- Due to fatigue  the working executive gave up once and then he was replaced by other that shows that HR issues needs to be solved ASAP.
5. Customer Voice: - The other students were acting as customers and their feedback was taken at regular interval.

The session was really useful in understanding through practical sense the goal setting process and the effect of all parameters on the vision and mission statement.


R No 095


  1. It was really nice reading the blog...Looks like You have put in Lot of sincere efforts in creating this blog...good Job Naveen..looking forward to read more of Your blogs in the near future..:)
